CARICOM Business – Jamaica records 18 consecutive quarters of growth

Extract from CARICOM Business, Vol. 2, No 35
The Jamaican economy recorded growth of one per cent in the April to June 2019 quarter, extending Jamaica’s growth trend to 18 consecutive quarters or four-and-a-half years. That’s the word from Dr. Wayne Henry, Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica. Growth in the economy was however negatively affected by drought conditions, which led to a 2.5% contraction of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing industry & impacted further by a 1% decline in Construction. Dr. Henry said the overall Goods-Producing Industry’s flat out-turn was largely attributed to improved performances by the mining & quarrying, & manufacturing industries, which grew by 4.5 and 1.7 %, respectively. The Services Sector was estimated to have grown by 1.4%, relative to the corresponding quarter of the previous year. This reflected growth in all subsectors, was largely spurred by an estimated 5.6% expansion in Hotels and Restaurants, consequent on a 7.8% increase in foreign national arrivals.
Read full newsletter here: CARICOM Business, Vol 2 No 35
Caricom Business August 30 2019_vol-2No_35