Joint Special Mission heads to Dominica

Following a request made by the Government of Dominica jointly to the CARICOM Secretariat (CARICOM), the Commonwealth Secretariat and the General Secretariat of the Organisation of American States (GS/OAS), to assist in the country’s efforts with various aspects of electoral reform, the three organisations have agreed to partner in a Joint Special Mission to Dominica.
The Mission will meet with the principal stakeholders in Dominica’s electoral process, including the major political parties, electoral authorities, government authorities and members of civil society. It will seek to develop a deeper appreciation of and gather views on the suggested areas of reform, including, but not limited to, the introduction of identification cards for the purpose of voting, and the revision and updating of the electoral register. Following its meetings in Dominica, the Mission will present its recommendations in alignment with international electoral good practice for the consideration of the appropriate authorities.
The Joint Special Mission will arrive in Roseau on 6 August 2019 and depart on 9 August 2019.